Fun with a Boating License and Yamalube Oil

Boating LicenseI got my boating license when I was a teenager so that I’d be able to operate my dad’s boat whenever we went out to our lake house. I would bring my friends out there and we would chill out in the sun, hang out at the beach, and ride around in the boat. Sometimes we would go fishing, but mostly we just had a lot of fun cruising around in the boat in general.

I no longer live with my parents, but I do have my own boat these days, and I’m glad I have a boating license and a lot of experience with boats. I live much closer to a lake now than our lake house was to our actual house, so I have more opportunities now than I used to that allow me to load up my boat with Yamalube oil and take it out for a spin.

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Fishfinders and Yamaha 2M Oil

1929043I got one of those nifty fishfinder devices recently and I was just itching to test it out on my most recent fishing trip. I’ve had a lot of friends get some great results from these fishfinders so I figured it’d be worth picking one up because I love going fishing, but I hate it when I go on a fishing trip and wind up not catching anything at all.

I rounded up some of my buddies who were looking to blow off some steam with a fishing trip, got my boat filled up as necessary with fuel and Yamaha 2M oil, and we got the show on the road. My fishfinder worked wonders and we wound up being able to catch more fish than we ever have together before. I won’t be leaving on a fishing trip anytime soon without it.

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Stocking Up on 2 Stroke Oil

DSCF1584When I buy motor oil for my boat, I tend to buy a lot of it all at once before I worry about getting any more of it. Usually, if you purchase enough, it’s something that you don’t have to have on your mind very frequently at all. And when you go out on your boat as often as I do, that’s really a significant weight off your shoulders to not have to think about that.

I was running low on oil not too long ago, so I had to figure out exactly what amount of oil I would need that would be cost-effective and efficient for me and my busy schedule. I knew that with the right amount of 2 stroke oil on hand, I wouldn’t have to worry about going out and finding more of it for quite some time, so I made sure to purchase a decent amount.

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Yamalube Ringfree Plus Helps Make Boating Safer

2280683I went out to get maintenance materials for my vehicles the other day. I needed to pick some things up for my car and for my motorcycle in particular. I like to do all my own maintenance on them because I’ve had so many bad experiences with mechanics in my area. I’ve learned a lot about vehicles just from doing my own maintenance.

While I was out, I also picked up some fuel for my boat, as well as some fuel additives like Yamalube Ringfree Plus. I like ensuring that my boat is running just as well as my car, if not better. When you’re in a car, you can just pull over if something goes wrong and you don’t really have that same luxury if you’re in a boat; you’re more likely to get stranded out in the water.

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American Boater with Yamalube 2 Cycle Oil Wants to Explore

DSC_0484_bOne of my dreams is to spend some time in Europe. I’ve been planning a trip out there for the longest time, but I’ve run into a few hiccups that have kept me from being able to go out there. I think this year is finally going to be the year that I get to visit and I’m getting really excited; there are so many different things to do there.

Though I’d like to visit places where I speak the language like Ireland and England, I really want to go to Italy. I’ve always thought it’d be particularly romantic to go on a gondola ride out there. Until I get a chance to go out to Europe, however, I’ll settle for my regular boat rides in America with my Yamalube 2 cycle oil.

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Going Fast on a Waverunner with Yamalube 2W

300174_10151384572748123_1879943396_nIf you’ve never been on a Waverunner before, you’re missing out enormously. The best way that I can describe it is that it’s like the motorcycle of the sea. If you’re interested in high speeds on a personal vehicle in the water, there’s absolutely no reason to not check out a Waverunner. After I rode a friend’s for the first time, I knew I was in love with it and needed my own personal watercraft.

For my Waverunner, it was recommended to me that I use Yamalube 2W for the oil. I’ve used that the entire time I’ve had it and I’ve gotten nothing but great performance out of it. Anyone who loves the thrill of going fast and maneuvering in interesting ways out on a lake has got to try out a Waverunner: I give it my absolute highest recommendation.

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Boating Forever with Yamalube 2M

32228_pEver since I was a child, I’ve loved spending time on the water. My parents had a boat and I was constantly begging my dad to take me out fishing or just for a spin. I learned how to drive a boat early on, just so I’d be able to go out on my own boating expeditions earlier. As soon as I could afford it in my adulthood, I bought my own boat; I cared more about than having a car.

If it was convenient, I would probably live on a houseboat, honestly. It’s something that I’ve always considered doing, but there aren’t really any areas nearby where it’d be particularly convenient and I’ve got too much stuff. Until the day that I decide to switch over to a houseboat, I’ll be fine with my current boat, as long as I stay stocked up on Yamalube 2M.

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Brand Loyalty to Yamalube Products

YamalubeI have a tendency to stick to a singular brand when it comes to pretty much anything. I always have bought the same brand of car, the same brand of boat, and the same brands of tires and oil products too. If I start having issues with the brand I use, I’ll start trying out other brands, but usually if I do my research right, this isn’t something I have to worry about.

I’ve always trusted Yamalube products when it comes to ensuring that my boat is working in the best condition. Whenever I take my boat in to get an oil change or any work done, I always make sure to bring in my own oil and it’s always Yamalube. I figure that if everything has been running smoothly so far, then I must be doing something right with my boat.

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Fishing Line, Bait, and Ringfree Plus

P1191597I went to a fishing supply store recently because I had been planning a fishing trip for a while and I was need of some supplies. I had to pick up some of the essentials like fishing line and some extra bait, because I was running low on all of that stuff after the last big fishing trip that I went on with my buddies. I also was considering purchasing a new fishing rod.

I like to ensure that I’ve got all of the top of the line gear when I’m fishing, which is why I was thinking about getting a new rod, though I ultimately decided that the rods that I already had would do just fine. While I was there, I also picked up some fuel additives like Ringfree Plus for my boat; I only like to use the best products on my boat after all.

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Going for a Swim Thanks to Yamalube 2W Oil

2010-08-29_11.53.50I think that swimming is a great way to exercise. It works out more of your muscles than running would and personally, I find it to be a lot more fun than running even if it does tend to be quite a bit more exhausting overall. I don’t have a pool, but I live close to a lake that varies in depth, which is usually where I go for a swim when it’s nice outside.

I generally prefer to swim in areas that aren’t unsafe due to the depth, since I like to swim by myself. Usually, what I’ll do is take my boat out to an area of the lake where I know it isn’t too deep and then I’ll swim around it. Before I do so, I always make sure to use Yamalube 2W oil on my boat so that I don’t run into any issues when I take it out.

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Yamalube 2M Oil and My Son’s First Fishing Trip

Shields 6-20-09 002I’m taking my young son on his first boating and fishing trip next weekend. He’s just old enough to be able to use a small children’s fishing pole and smart enough to keep his lifejacket on when I tell him it’s dangerous to take it off. As someone who has always been a huge fan of boating and fishing, I’m really excited to share this experience with my son.

Since I want to make sure this is a good memory for him, I’ve been trying to ensure that everything goes smoothly. I’ve been double and triple checking the weather every day so that I can make sure it’ll be nice outside on the day that we’re going. I’ve also been doing all the proper maintenance that I can on my boat with Yamalube 2M oil to ensure it’ll work fine.

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Yamaha Oil for Morning Fishing

036700_headlineI really love fishing, but I don’t do it as often as I would like to, mostly because I know that the best time to go fishing is bright and early in the morning, and I’m not exactly a morning person. I’m someone who has difficulty getting up for work in the morning and without that early-morning cup of coffee that I always make sure to have, I wouldn’t even be able to handle that.

Whenever I decide to go fishing, I try to get a lot done the evening before so that I don’t have to use my morning brain to make too many decisions. I get all the maintenance done that I need with Yamaha oil and I put all of the gear that I’m going to need in my car and hitch my boat to the car. As long as I get in bed really early and have coffee when I wake up, I can handle myself.

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