Preseason Snowmobile Maintenance, Part I

snowmobileNow that November’s icy chill has replaced any thoughts of summertime fun, many outdoors enthusiasts are putting their boats away for winter. We’ve discussed proper winterization techniques in the past, but now it’s time to focus on an equally invigorating recreational pastime: snowmobiling. No matter your preferred outdoor pursuit, it’s important to conduct a preseason checkup.

By ensuring that your sled is ready and equipped for snowmobile season, you can save yourself constant trips to the repair shop. Over the next few days, we’ll investigate the most common problems that afflict snowmobiles in the offseason and attempt to diagnose a solution. The first step might seem brutally obvious – your snow machine has probably been lurking in a far corner of the garage, so you’ll have to remove the sizable layer of dust that’s settled on top of it.

Either take your snowmobile to a local carwash or do the work yourself with a garden hose, a sponge and a bucket of sudsy water. Once it’s clean, you’re ready to begin inspecting the outer areas of the sled, beginning with the hood. Be on the lookout for any signs of serious wear or neglect – cracks in the outer body, deteriorating hood latches, decals peeling off, etc. In tomorrow’s update, we’ll continue with the visual inspection and eventually go under the hood to replenish the old supply of Yamaha 2s oil.

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