A Quest for the Best Outboard Motor Oil

One of my friends recently bought his first boat and so far he has been a little obsessive when it comes to making sure that he takes proper care of it. There is something about spending a great deal of money in one place that makes him a little concerned about making mistakes that will cost him money in the future. This means that he does an insane amount of research before doing anything on the boat.

Last week, he spent hours searching the internet and asking his neighbors at the harbor what the best outboard motor oil for his boat would be. The best oil to him would be one that was both good for his motor and good for his boating budget. He ended up finding a lot of different options, but he eventually decided to buy brand name oil that he could buy online in bulk.

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Who Packs Outboard Motor Oil in a Boat Cabin?

domo online blog 1 6-2-14If I didn’t know that he wasn’t, I would assume that my father had been a Boy Scout when he was a kid. He takes a be prepared attitude with him everywhere that he goes, including out on the boat. His boat has always been stocked with an extra anchor, tow ropes, floatation devices, and a first aid kit. Whether he needs any of these items is really up to opinion.

My father even keeps an extra gallon of outboard motor oil in his boat cabin. It isn’t as if you could really change the oil in a boat while it was in the water. All the same, he has the boat motor oil with him just in case he might need it at some point in time. Most of the time he’ll only have to use it when he is on dry land and more than likely when he is still at home.

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Determining the Best Outboard Motor Oil

domo online blog 4 3-3-14My grandpa is a man of tradition. He is one of those people who feel like the old way may have been a much better way than the way people do things now. He is always the last to switch to something new. For example, he didn’t get email until recently. The same holds true for the way that he takes care of his boat and its outboard motor.

Last time he was in the marina shop nearest to his home, there was a whole display touting some brand new type of motor oil. The salesperson really wanted to get him to buy it. He was trying to explain how it was great oil. In the end, my grandpa went with what he always gets, because he knew it was the best outboard motor oil for him.

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Gas to Outboard Oil Ratios

domo online blog 5 1-06-14When you are using oil in your outboard motor, you have to make sure to use the right amount of oil in the gas that you put in the boat. This ratio depends greatly upon what type of motor you are using and what the motor is for. For example, the ratio for oil in a personal water craft could be different from the ratio that you would use for other engines.

Typically, you can find the gas to outboard oil ratio in an owner’s manual for the motor that you are using. If you no longer have the owner’s manual, you can sometimes find them online. You can also access ratio calculators online. Usually the ratio is about 50:1, for outboard motors, but following the guidelines that a manufacturer gives you is probably best.

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Finding the Correct Boat Motor Oil

Domo-Online Pic 2It’s important to make sure that you have stocked up on the supplies you need that can be used to maintain your vehicles. This is something that stands true regardless of whether we’re talking about a car, a motorcycle, a boat, or anything in between. Maintenance is enormously important to ensure that your vehicle will run properly for a long time.

When you have a boat, for instance, it’s absolutely vital that you keep a supply on hand of the best boat motor oil you can find. Motor oil is the lifeblood of your boat, so it’s not something to turn your nose at. You should make sure to do a comparison of the different types of motor oils in order to figure out which can be used best on your own boat.

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First Time Out with Snowmobile Oil

article-2206817-151F88ED000005DC-444_634x404When I started dating my boyfriend, he was perplexed that I had never tried out any sort of winter time sports. I’m originally from the east coast, where snowboarding is definitely a thing, but not nearly as required as the northwest. I spent my winters inside my Jersey home, never trying to venture into the snow covered wilderness.

I was a bit nervous to try out snowboarding, so we started out with snowmobiles (him driving, of course). I helped him put in the snowmobile oil and get the vehicle ready to go. It was actually quite a bit of fun, so I have agreed to try out skiing next week. He’s convinced I’ll be on the big slopes by the end of the weekend; I think I’ll stick with the other snow bunnies.

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Outboard Engine Always Made My Vacation with Yamalube 2M Oil

LaborDayLakes_KidsWhen the family would take our usual trip to the lake house, our parents always had an idea of what it would be like: the whole family around a fire pit, sharing stories and hanging out. The reality was my sister and I screaming over who got the better room and bickering over what we wanted for breakfast (who says no to pancakes?).

Lucky for me, my sister’s idea of a vacation was working on her tan out on the dock. This meant I got to use our boat as much as I wanted. My father showed me how to properly add the Yamalube 2m oil and maintain the engine. I would take the boat out for hours every day, making sure to come back in time for the fire pit at night.

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What 2 Cycle Oil is Made of

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWith all the different types of oil on the market, they often start to all sound the same. Many owners simply follow the guidelines the manufacturer set up, and don’t think too far beyond it. However, there are some key differences between types of oil. For one thing, some are meant for two-stroke engines while others are optimal for four-stroke use.

The oil used in crankcase compression two-stroke engines, 2 cycle oil, is much different than what owners would use in a four-cycle engine. The oil-base stock is either petroleum, vegetable, semi-synthetic or synthetic oil and is mixed with petrol/gasoline at a ratio ranging from 16:1 to 100:1, unlike a four cycle which doesn’t need fuel added to the oil.

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Sticking to the Manufacturer’s Best Outboard Motor Oil Suggestion

unoAny time we buy something new, whether it’s an appliance or vehicle, my husband immediately begins trying to find another way of doing everything. I have found unopened instructions packets for nearly everything we have bought over the years, which has become bothersome to say the least.
When we bought a new outboard motor for our vacation home’s boat, I put my foot down. While several online forums may have claimed we could find the best outboard motor oil outside of the suggestion by the manufacturer, I felt like this was completely silly. Most of the other brands were maybe a dollar less, if not the same price, and weren’t the risk of blowing our whole motor.

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What You’ll Need for a Tune Up Aside from Outboard Oil

boat-motor-oil-300x225Properly maintaining your outboard engine means having regular maintenance that will extend the life of the engine. At *least* once a year, owners should tune up their outboard motor. You should follow the owners manual your specific model came with before trying to tune yours. However, there are some materials every model will need.

You will need outboard oil, soft cloths, lower-unit lubricant, fresh fuel, replacement spark plugs, and waterproof marine grease. All of these materials can be bought online or at a marine store. Some of the tools that will make your tune up easier will be the owner’s manual, a screwdriver, adjustable wrench, and pliers.

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The Right Mix for Two Cycle Oil

Four_stroke_cycle_compressionGetting the right gas to oil mixture ratio for a two stroke engine can make or break your engine — literally. Luckily, manufacturers have already come up with the right amount of each to best maintain and run an engine. Whether you have a golf cart, garden tool or motor skates, it’s important to find out which ratio will work the best for you.

For most tools, transportation and recreational motors, the ratio will be in the range of 20:1 to 100:1 gas to two cycle oil. For most motorcycles, you will need 32:1 but others require 40:1 and others use 50:1. This makes it incredibly important to check your model rather than making an assumption. Make sure to not add oil to the fuel for a 4 cycle engine.

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Learning How to Drive a Boat with Yamaha 2M Oil

1234154012_largeGrowing up, I used to spend a week or two at my extended family’s lake house in Ontario. It was always a long drive, taking about nine hours to get there from our house in New Jersey. While there was a lot to look forward to for the trip, I always anticipated getting to take boat-rides on the lake and get to explore the many islands and coves.

One year, my mom’s boyfriend decided I was old enough to learn how to drive the boat. He showed me how to put the Yamaha 2M oil in, and then we took off into the lake. I was 12 years old and had only ever driven in Mario Kart, but I quickly got used to turning the motor in the opposite direction of where I wanted to go. It went smoothly until I ‘parked’ at the dock.

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