Using Mercury 2 Stroke Oil With My Brother

dogsbodecMy twin brother and I always like to plan fishing trips together. It reminds us of the times when we were kids and our grandfather would take us out fishing. My brother and I live pretty close to one another, so we are able to get prepared together too. He has a large garage and workshop area, so I usually take my boat over there.

We work on the boat together and make sure that everything is in the best possible condition. We use Mercury 2 stroke oil to maintain my boat, which has a 2 stroke engine. We also clean the boat together and make sure that we both have all of the supplies that we are going to need before our fishing trip. It’s always good to be prepared.

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Mercury Oil Fuels Great Pastimes

civicconcet 359One of my favorite foods is properly cooked salmon. Whenever I decide to cook up some salmon, I always try to make a new and interesting dish with it, because I really love cooking; I would say it is one of my favorite pastimes. Sometimes I’ll make a grilled salmon and spinach salad with peach dressing; other times I’ll prepare some salmon chowder with bacon.

My other favorite pastime is going fishing, so the two really go hand in hand, because I love to catch my own salmon. I get to be involved with the entire process; filling my boat up with Mercury oil, going out and fishing for some salmon, and then bringing it home and coming up with some new recipe that my wife and kids will enjoy as much as I do.

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Keeping 2 Cycle Oil In Stock

271007_front200As a boat mechanic, I always have to make sure I’ve got the products that I need in my shop. If my employees don’t have the necessary tools and materials, they can’t do their jobs properly. We always keep an additional stock of our supplies in a storage unit so that we can easily get anything we need for any job.

One of the items I always keep is a large stock of 4 cycle and 2 cycle oil, fuel additives, tool sets, and spare parts for all different kinds of boats. We like to promise our customers that the work done on their boats will be speedy so that they can get out and enjoy the water as often as they can.

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Properly Sealed Evinrude Johnson 2 Stroke Outboard Oil

$(KGrHqN,!lsE+G!hufSUBP5B!h6K3Q~~60_35My neighbor is getting older and he sold me his boat recently, along with a few additional items to go along with the boat. He gave it to me at a heavily discounted price, because he feels he’s getting a little too old to keep up with maintaining a boat and taking it out on the water. I made sure to check if the oil he gave me was properly sealed.

With proper storage, Evinrude Johnson 2 stroke outboard oil has a very long shelf life.  It is important that the bottles of oil remain  unopened. When the oil is opened, however, the additives in oil can cause it to turn acidic, which can cause problems. Ultimately, if it is properly sealed, oil can last years and years.

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The Store Without Outboard Oil

miss force s80 2012_322x228There’s a small boating store in my hometown that I go to every now and then when I’m looking for supplies for my boat. Unfortunately, when I say that it’s small, I mean it’s REALLY small and they don’t really have a great selection of products. The problem is that they have products that cater to certain boats or types of boaters but not others.

The other problem is that they don’t really restock frequently enough. They never carry the outboard oil that works best on my boat, so I usually wind up purchasing it online. I think that the store would be a lot more successful if they made sure to stock up on these things so that people like me could easily find what we need.

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2 Cycle Oil Is Worth It

11882883My friend likes to find cheaper alternatives for just about everything. He never buys name brand items; he usually gets the generic brand. I’m sure most of the items do the same things but some items are better than others I imagine. I guess I have more trust in name brand items because I would expect they would perform better. That might not necessarily be the case, but that’s how I feel.

My friend bought some generic 2 cycle oil for his outboard engine. I warned him that some brands weren’t going to be as good as others and that when it comes to things like engine maintenance, he should stick with the better quality stuff. It will eventually do some harm to his engine but he still likes to buy the cheaper alternative. In the long run, it will cost him more to repair the parts that were damaged.

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