Snowmobile Oil for a Winter Lover

symNivopage77_7I loathe hot weather; I have always been the only one of my friends who complains his way all the way through the summer. I get sunburned too easily, I sweat a lot, and I just get overheated very quickly. Even as a kid who would get time off from school, I tended to dread summer vacation because I knew all of my friends would want to spend time out in the blistering heat.

Winter has always been more my style and there’s so many things I love to do in the winter. I love skiing and snowboarding and I’m always stocking up on snowmobile oil so that I can go snowmobiling at the first sign of snow. Cold weather is something I’m much more accustomed to because I enjoy wearing layers and trudging around in the snow.

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Yamaha Produces Yamalube 2 Cycle Oil

p_yamalubeThe Yamaha Motor Company, which was launched in 1955, is a subsidiary of Yamaha Corporation.  The focus was on motorized vehicles rather than musical instruments, which the company was already well-known for. Now they are  best known for their motorcycles and recreational vehicles such as snowmobiles, scooters, boats and outboard motors.

Yamaha also offers a line of products related to those vehicles. One of these products is Yamalube 2 Cycle oil. This oil was designed specifically for Yamaha Outboard motors.  They also recommend using Yamalube Ring Free Plus in each tank of fuel, to counter the effects of ethanol and the unpredictable quality levels of today’s gasoline.

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Trying Out Mercury 2 Stroke Premium Plus Outboard Motor Oil

9724g95_20I’ve always been wary about anything that refers to itself as ‘premium’. I am often quite skeptical of how certain products are advertised, so I’m constantly doing research and reading  Consumer Reports magazines and websites online.  This helps me make better decisions on purchases.

That’s why I was so surprised when I was guided towards picking up some Mercury 2 stroke Premium Plus  outboard motor oil for my boat. It turned out that when they said ‘premium’ in the title of the oil, they really meant it. My boat has been running fantastically ever since I started using it and I’m certain that I won’t be going back.

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Useful Friends

P1010532I like asking my friend for advice about most things because he’s a self-proclaimed “know-it-all.”  He’s an expert on home repair, he knows who was the last player to hit fifty homeruns, and he knows which brand of television has the best to offer.  He saves me a lot of time and research that I don’t want to do.  He can be a bit annoying some times but he does come in handy most times.

We went out on my boat this weekend to do some fishing.  He noticed that my outboard engine was making some weird noises.  He suggested that I change my Mercury 2 stroke premium outboard motor oil.  It’s a good thing he reminded me because it’s been a few months since I did that.  He then proceeded to tell me which bait was best to use to catch fish and the proper way to reel in a big catch as if it was my first time fishing.  It’s a good thing his positives outweigh his negatives otherwise I would have stopped being friends with him a long time ago.

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Breaking in a New Engine

brads392hemiproject140I just recently purchased a new Evinrude engine for my boat.  The old one was acting up on me and I wanted to replace it before it totally went out on me at the most inopportune time.  I got it for a decent enough price.

The one thing about replacing an engine is finding the proper mix of oil to fuel.  I’m just doing some trial and error on how much Evinrude Johnson 2 Stroke Outboard Oil to use with my fuel.  Hopefully I’ll find the right balance.

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Be Prepared

I like to think of myself as a pretty prepared person in all aspects of my life. I tend to carry around a utility satchel that’s always full of things that I might need in any particular situation. I think it’s something I learned from when I was a Boy Scout; the ‘Be Prepared’ mantra.

I always make sure to have a decent amount of 2 stroke oil as back-up in my garage. Having back-up oil makes on-the-fly maintenance a lot easier and with the amount of usage my boat gets, on-the-fly maintenance is something that I often find myself having to do. It’s not a big deal; I get a lot out of my boat, so it’s not surprising that I need to put work into it as well.

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Brand Loyalty

Ever since I bought a boat, I decided I would learn how to do all of my own boat maintenance. I’ve always done my own maintenance on any car I’ve ever owned, so I figured it’d be worthwhile learning about how to keep my boat maintained as well, considering that’s the type of thing I’m interested in.

Some people, myself included, develop a kind of brand loyalty towards certain types of items used for boat maintenance. On my boat, for instance, I only use Mercury 2 stroke premium outboard motor oil. I did a lot of research to figure out what would be best for the type of boat that I have and that’s what I landed on.

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The Captain

My best friend took us out on his new boat recently. He’s kind of a ridiculous guy, so even though it was a smaller boat, he was acting like he was some big boat captain; he even bought a silly outfit to wear and refused to answer any of us unless we referred to him as Captain. Regardless of all that, we were having a really good time; I like his new boat a lot.

I think that we’re planning on making a few more trips out before winter hits too hard. I was so amused by our previous trip that I decided to trade my friend a couple of bottles of 2 stroke oil in order to be the so-called ‘captain’ of the boat for a day. He gave me his captain’s hat and everything!

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Fishing in Colorado

My son lives in Colorado and knowing my love for fishing, he decided to fly me out for my birthday to take me to the Carter Lake Reservoir on his boat. It was a grand old time and I was shocked to see how huge the reservoir was. The Carter Lake Reservoir covers 1,100 acres with water, and we certainly weren’t the only fishermen out by the dam, but with that much space, we were able to keep to ourselves and have a great weekend of father-son bonding.

Out in the Carter Lake Reservoir, there are walleye, salmon, largemouth bass, rainbow trout, and more types of fish than I could have possibly imagined. I know that there were areas nearby – in the massive amount of surrounding land – where people were hunting and hiking and having all sorts of good times. In my case, however, fishing was all I needed and I made sure to supply my son’s boat with Mercury 2 Stroke Oil in order to thank him for taking me on such a great trip.

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Thunder and Lightning

When I was a teenager I earned spending money by working as a lifeguard during the summer. It’s a pretty cushy job most of the time. Who doesn’t want to spend hot days right by the pool? Any time it got too warm, I just jumped in the water to cool off.

The only times we had to shut down the pool were for thunder and lightning. Since we didn’t want to get electrocuted our policy was to wait 30 minutes after the last thunder was heard or the last lightning was spotted before we’d let patrons back in the pool. I use that policy now whenever I go boating. I don’t want to get stranded on the water during a storm, so I use the time ashore to teach my kids about 2 stroke oil and other boating necessities.

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Playing Chicken

My daughter is grounded for the rest of the week up here at the lake house. She thought it would be fun to play chicken using our PWC. She and a friend went speeding toward each other until finally one of them peeled off.

A PWC is a powerful machine. She and her friend could have really hurt themselves! My daughter thinks I’m being unreasonable with the grounding, but I wouldn’t be a good parent if I didn’t punish her for such reckless behavior. I’m going to have to add on some more chores, too, now that I think about it. Maybe I’ll have her pay me back for the Yamaha 2W oil she burned while playing her dangerous game.

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Friday Harbor

The county seat of the San Juan Islands is Friday Harbor. It has a rich maritime history and it remains an active commercial fishing port. The downtown area is quite pleasant with a plethora of shops, galleries, and restaurants. While I’m putting 2 stroke oil in my boat, my wife likes to take a walk in the local park or take in a summer series concert.

Kayaking and whale watching are also big in the area. Personally I have spotted the majestic creatures a half dozen times or so. Each sighting still takes my breath away.

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