How Can I Improve My Boat’s Fuel Efficiency?

Chick III

Step 1:
Clean the bottom of your boat. Plant and barnacle buildup causes extra friction that burns additional fuel.

Step 2:
Remove excess weight from your boat. If you have a lot of heavy objects in the boat that you do not regularly use, simply remove them. This can account for as much as a 2 percent reduction in miles per gallon.


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Good Stuff

Edible Motor OilI wouldn’t dare try this with Evinrude Oil!

“Duane Johnson may have developed the world’s cleanest motor oil. He is so sure of the safety of his product that he submits it to an unusual test: he eats it. “When I go to meetings and have an engine running on this stuff, I’ll pull the dipstick out and lick it.” Petroleum-based motor oils cause a significant amount of the pollution a car releases, says Johnson, an agronomist at Colorado State University. His motor oil, made from canola and other vegetable oils, not only produces no air pollution of its own but cuts overall engine emissions by up to 30 percent.

Johnson’s motor oil is easy to make. He heats canola seeds and then crushes them to release the oil. He then mixes in small amounts of other oils, including sunflower, soybean, and castor oil to get the right consistency. “This is tabletop technology,” he says. “We use a paint mixer to mix it and it’s ready to go.” ”

–From Discover Magazine 08-01-1998

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Get Your Oil Here!


Boat RacesKey West, FL, Super Boat International Productions Inc. is happy to announce that Throttle Up will be part of the inspecting team with SBIP/APBA Offshore. Starting with the Key West World Championship for the 2008 season. Throttle Up will be checking all of the propellers to make sure they meet the rule book Requirement. “Throttle Up brings to SBIP/APBA Offshore a great addition to our inspecting team, to take it up another level to have the best inspection team in offshore” said John Carbonell, President of SBIP / APBA Offshore “Throttle Up CNC Propellers would like to take this opportunity to thank the SBIP/APBA UIM for allowing us the opportunity to be the OFFICIAL, Propeller Inspectors for the upcoming Key West World Championship races as well as the upcoming 2008 Offshore Racing Season. We are pleased to be part of the Team of Professional Technical Inspectors of the SBIP/APBA UIM” said Matt Croce of Throttle Up Propellers.

Don’t forget your Evinrude oil!

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Why do we need outboard motor oil?

Evinrude:  Because She's Pretty

We put outboard motor oil in our engines to serve several purposes. First, obviously, oil acts as a lubricant. If your engine is operating correctly, there is almost no metal to metal contact – everything is riding on a thin film of oil. However, oil has several other important jobs to do. Oil circulates throughout your engine, and cools parts that cannot get near a water jacket. For example, it’s becoming common in sport bikes to spray oil on the underside of the piston to cool it. There are no water jackets at all in your transmission. Motorcycle transmissions are oil cooled.

Your piston rings do not do a perfect job of sealing. Some combustion by products will slip past the rings into the engine. This can be little particles of carbon. Remember, diamond is carbon that was combined under heat and pressure. These little carbon particles can be quite damaging to your engine. Another job of your oil is to hold these particles in suspension until the oil filter can grab them. Also, if your gasoline has sulpher in it (it does), this sulpher can react with water and oxygen to make sulphuric acid. This is some stuff that is seriously bad for your engine. Your oil has special ingredients in it called buffers to neutralize acids. Finally, your engine can get internal build ups of tars, waxes, and other gunk. Your oil has solvents to try to dissolve this stuff and get and keep your engine clean.

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Synthetic OilI have a 99 merc 115 that has been on synthetic blend for as long as i’ve owned it i’m all out of the blend and was wanting to switch over to full synthetic outboard motor oil, my question is do i have to drain the existing blend remaining in the oil reservoir OR can i just start topping off the reservoir as i use up the oil, next i was wondering is if anyone has hooked up their trolling batteries up in parallel if so how did you do it and how does it work for a 12V motor- thanks!

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This Just In

Get Ready for Next Year’s Show with Evinrude Boats, Motors and Evinrude Oil!

This Guy Uses Evinrude XD50MIAMI BEACH, Fla., Feb. 20, 2008 – The National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA) today reported steady sales among exhibitors at the 67th Miami International Boat Show & Strictly Sail, despite a decrease in attendance from the prior year.

Attendance at the 2008 show, which completed a five-day run, Feb. 14-18, at the Miami Beach Convention Center, the Sea Isle Marina & Yachting Center and Miamarina at Bayside, was 128,018, a seven percent decrease from the 137,175 visitors reported at the 2007 exhibition.


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Good News!

For years, boat owners have heard the old wives’ tale of what owning a pleasure vessel actually means. Instead of pleasure and fun on the water, boat owners often joke that the word actually means “Break Out Another Thousand.”

That’s in thousands of dollars.

With gas continuing its record increase, owning a boat is taking on a new meaning – paying up at the fuel pump.

Remarkably, boat dealers across South Mississippi and South Alabama are reporting record sales, even though the cost of gas could easily reach $4 a gallon by the end of the summer.”

It’s good to know that gas prices haven’t sidelined everyone. Despite rising fuel and energy costs people are still enjoying their recreational time on the water.

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Careful With that Thing!!

Miss Outboard MotorHey all, I post this to be shot down. Tell me if I’m wrong.

I’ve owned 2 cycle outboards off and on for over 30 years. All Evinrude and Johnson. The few problems I ever had with them were related to the outdrive (once, for age) or were electrical (periodic, for submersion in saltwater). At a marina, most places will put it in last. When refilling a partially full tank, it is hard to know how much Evinrude oil to put in until you know how much gas you put in.

Personally, I’ve added the oil first and last. First for empty tanks, last for partials. The oil is completely soluble in gasoline and will naturally disburse in a short period of time.

This may be a bit dated, but the anecdote is that oil injections systems and their alarms may fail. The downside is your engine will overheat and you will sputter to a stop. The upside, when working properly (which is usual), is that they do accurately apply the correct amout of oil, which reduces smoking, polution and possibly oil usage.

On the occasions where I or someone (the guy at the marina) forgot the oil, we sputtered to a stop, deliberated, divined the error and added the oil. Then we resumed our fun. On the occasions where I or someone (it was me) doubled the oil, we smoked quite a bit until our next tank.

I don’t recommend forgetting the oil or accidently doubling it, but if on rare occasions it happens, it is not catastrophic.
If you, someone else or the oil injector messes up often, it probably could be.

My suggestion is to use the oil injection system and periodically give the oil level a visual inspection during use. It may be hard to tell with light usage, but over time you will be able to tell. If you sputter to a stop and the oil isn’t being used, put oil in the gas.

The absolute here is to always keep a quart or two of the 2 cycle engine oil on the boat.


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A little nostalgia

Time Magazine Sept. 27, 1954Evinrude and Evinrude Oil in history.


Hush Money

Monday, Sep. 27, 1954

From the dock of his waterfront restaurant in Freeport, L.I., Bandleader and Boat Racer Guy Lombardo climbed into a small boat with two outboard motors on the stern. As he started up one motor and raced about the water, there was the ear-splitting racket that has come to be associated with eggbeater boating. But when the motor was turned off and the other was tried out, there was a difference. From 500 ft. away, the motor could not be heard at all; newsmen riding in the boats could converse in normal tones, hear the slap-slap of the waves against the bow. Vibration was cut sharply.


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XD100 Fact Sheet

Evinrude Oil XD100 Synthetic formula for use in Evinrude E-Tec outboard engines, direct injection or oil injected outboard engines. XD100 provides unsurpassed protection against friction and wear while maximum detergency helps eliminate combustion deposits. Evinrude Oil XD100 burns clean and is smokeless, ashless, and odorless.

– Promotes maximum engine life
– Ashless and odorless
– Smokeless

Evinrude XD100 is a premium synthetic fomulation that delivers ultimate performance while providing the opportunity to reduce oil consumption on most Evinrude E-TEC models with dealer programming.

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Q & A

Evinrude OilQuestion:

I have a sport twin 10hp evinrude and wandering if i need to add any special gas additive or can i just run it on 50:1 Evinrude oil


The 10hp Sportwins were built in one form or another up into the early 1960s (need model number to pinpoint) and don’t make the cut for 50:1 mix. They still had several bronze babbit bearings and need some extra oil to stay in operation over the long haul. 32:1 (pint oil to 4 gallons gas) using good quality TCW-3 rated oil and good quality gasoline (89 should be good enough – 87 can be kinda junky in some areas, 90+ high test not necessary) and you’ll be good to go…
– Scott

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