Weekly Maintenance for Frequent WaveRunner Users

For people who use their WaveRunners often (at least once per week), it’s a good idea to perform a simple maintenance routine each week. The purpose of this routine is to prevent corrosion and wear to the WaveRunner, and extend its lifetime. The first step is to acquire the necessary supplies, which includes a compressed air canister, WD-40, engine grease, Soft Scrub (for engine soot), bilge solvent, and a few rags.
The first step is to set the WaveRunner at an incline and drain it, then degrease using solvent starting from the bow and working up towards the stern. Use the Soft Scrub to remove the soot from the exhaust area. Once completed, rinse the WaveRunner with fresh water, and air dry with the compressed air canister with a focus on the electric and mechanical components like the steering joint, throttle cable, spark plugs, oil pump, and battery. Once this is completed, lube the same areas with WD-40. Make sure to check the oil level, and refill with Yamalube 2W oil as necessary. It’s important to use only Yamalube 2W oil in WaveRunners as its unique formulation is designed to work best with Yamaha engines.