The Many Functions of Oil


Last Christmas my family and I voyaged to the exciting land of Zimbabwe. It was our goal to focus on the true spirit of the season – loving and caring – instead of becoming caught up in presents and Santa Clause like the rest of the population. We figured it was about time to spend time with some people who were less fortunate than us, and strive to make a difference in their lives. Looking back now, it was them who inspired us.

Upon arrival, we were greeted by the leader of the tribe, Mocco Umbaba. He showed us to our sleeping quarters, which were tents made out of burlap canvas and oil barrels. As it turns out, Zimbabwe can get rather windy from time to time and the weight of the oil containers keeps the cloth tents from collapsing. I was completely blown away by the simplicity and functionality of their solution. After returning to the United States, I purchased several gallons of Yamaha 2w oil – I knew its heavy-duty composition was right for the job – and began testing ways I could use my purchase for something other than its intended function.

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