Waiting for the Weather to Warm Up So That I’ll Need to Use Some WaveRunner Oil Again

domo-online blog 4 2-15-16Since my WaveRunners never go out during the winter, I make sure to put them into storage and to take any fluids out of them so that they will work again when I take them back out. We have been having an unseasonably warm winter here, which is making me antsy about the possibility of getting out on the water again. I am hoping the weather warms up a bit more.

As soon as the warm weather seems like it will be staying around for a good amount of time, I am going to get my WaveRunners ready to be used. I have everything that I need on hand already since I soon expect to be able to take these boats out. I don’t want the weather to be nice enough and then be caught without the WaveRunner oil that I need.

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