Two Cycle Oil and Underwater Photography

Underwater-underwater-photography-32684062-1600-1200I’m very interested in underwater photography and taking photographs of the wildlife in nearby lakes, rivers, and oceans. I’ve invested a lot of time and effort in this hobby because taking pictures of sea life is something I’ve loved since I was young and I got my first waterproof disposable camera. Technology is much more advanced these days, of course.

What I usually do – when I’ve got free time and it’s a nice, clear day outside – is get my gear ready and my boat filled up with two cycle oil and go out to find a secluded place to dive and take photos. I’ve gotten some really interesting photos of certain animals that I’m really proud of, particularly one that I took of an eel poking its head out from the rocks.

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American Boater with Yamalube 2 Cycle Oil Wants to Explore

DSC_0484_bOne of my dreams is to spend some time in Europe. I’ve been planning a trip out there for the longest time, but I’ve run into a few hiccups that have kept me from being able to go out there. I think this year is finally going to be the year that I get to visit and I’m getting really excited; there are so many different things to do there.

Though I’d like to visit places where I speak the language like Ireland and England, I really want to go to Italy. I’ve always thought it’d be particularly romantic to go on a gondola ride out there. Until I get a chance to go out to Europe, however, I’ll settle for my regular boat rides in America with my Yamalube 2 cycle oil.

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