Yamaha Oil for Morning Fishing

036700_headlineI really love fishing, but I don’t do it as often as I would like to, mostly because I know that the best time to go fishing is bright and early in the morning, and I’m not exactly a morning person. I’m someone who has difficulty getting up for work in the morning and without that early-morning cup of coffee that I always make sure to have, I wouldn’t even be able to handle that.

Whenever I decide to go fishing, I try to get a lot done the evening before so that I don’t have to use my morning brain to make too many decisions. I get all the maintenance done that I need with Yamaha oil and I put all of the gear that I’m going to need in my car and hitch my boat to the car. As long as I get in bed really early and have coffee when I wake up, I can handle myself.

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Carrying On Family Tradition With Yamaha Oil

bootstaufeWhen I was a boy, I  went on annual fishing trips with my dad; he taught me how to fish and it became something that I still do regularly. Though we gradually went on fewer fishing trips together as I got older, it was still something I looked forward to whenever we would plan a trip. Those were very meaningful times as I look back on those trips.

I want to make sure that my son has the same fond memories of our times together as I do of my father, so I now take him for a fishing trip every year. I fill up my boat with some Yamaha oil and  we head out to a lake or a river where we fish together. I think my son enjoys it as much as I did when I was his age.

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