Oil Reserve

I like to keep a reserve of oil in my garage at all times, just in case I need it. I do this for my car and for my boat and I would do it for any vehicle I might ever drive because I think it’s vital and can save you from any potential annoyances. However, I didn’t always have this foresight; I had to learn from my mistakes.

A while back, I was on my way back from work, excited for a big boating trip that I was planning on taking that weekend. When I got home, I soon realized I’d forgotten to pick up the Yamaha 2S oil that I needed for some last-minute working on my boat. By the time I realized I needed it, all the stores that might carry it were closed. It would have been nice to have had a supply ready to go!

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Waiting for Summer

Winter hits early where I live and I don’t often have a lot of time to take off from work for vacations in warmer places. Because of this, I don’t get to enjoy time on my boat as often as I would like to. I love fishing and boating and just being out on the water, but we only get a few weeks a year to do it at a nice, acceptable temperature.

Thus, there’s often a long period of waiting time where I work on boat maintenance rather than boat enjoyment. I like to keep my boat clean and ready for use. When it’s summer again, I’ll be the first one using Yamaha 2S oil to get my boat ready to go.

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