Fuel Economy Tip 3

Our third fuel efficiency tip is something many avid boaters forget about. Propeller choice, maintenance and care are as critical to fuel efficiency as anything else and therefore shouldn’t be ignored when preparing for your upcoming boating season. Choose a propeller that allows your boat to perform at the higher end of the manufacturer’s specifications for wide-open throttle rpm. Of course, you’ll want to make sure this is when you’re carrying your standard amount of gear for an outing in the boat.

Also, be sure to check for nicked and dinged blades before heading out on the water. These cut down on the propeller’s efficiency and will have very negative effects on your overall fuel economy. Being careful while out on the water and regularly inspecting your props will help you save money by ensuring your props are operating at optimum efficiency. A little Evinrude outboard oil also couldn’t hurt and is proven to help maintain prop efficiency. Don’t skimp out on this, it’s as important as anything else and could make a world of difference next time you fork over a wad of cash for a little gas.

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