Stuck Storing Bulk Outboard Motor Oil for a Second Time

domo online blog 2 3-31-14My friends and I buy motor oil in bulk, because it is far cheaper than just going and getting the amount of oil we need. We buy it together in very large quantities to get the best deal possible. Of course, this means that there is usually a lot of oil still left to store once the season has ended and the boats are stored away for the winter.

Each year we make a bet or a competition to decide who will have to store the bulk outboard motor oil for the next year. This year the bet was based around the number of gold medals that the USA would win in the Olympics. I was the one who guessed a number furthest from the truth, so I get to store the oil for the second year in a row.  It actually works out well, though, because then I have access to it anytime I want and don’t have to wait on someone else to dig it out of their garage or shed in the spring!

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