Even the Most Advanced Motors Need Maintenance

maintenaceBy now you’re probably familiar with the big three names in outboard motors: Evinrude, Yamaha and Mercury. In recent years, the Environmental Protection Agency has tightened its restrictions on engine efficiency and marine pollution. This just makes sense as the American public becomes more sensitive to ecological issues and biofuels are made a viable alternative to fossil fuels in automobiles.

Unfortunately, with all of the technological and environmental upgrades made to outboards in the last year or so, it’s easy for boat owners to get complacent with their routine maintenance. For whatever reason, people believe these admittedly formidable machines can take care of themselves. Of course those beliefs are shattered the second something goes wrong on the mechanical end.

As always, the first step is to consult the owner’s manual for maintenance tips that are specific to each outboard model. Generally speaking, though, boat owners should adhere rigidly to the engine’s maintenance schedule. This schedule dictates when various services should be performed after however many hours of use. Some matters of routine upkeep – such as replenishing the engine with Evinrude outboard oil – are universal and should be done without fail. Other maintenance procedures should be completed according to the outboard’s age and the extent it’s used each year.

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