The Difference Is Genuine

Evinrude XD 50 Bulk OilEvinrude/Johnson XD50

ENHANCED FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE – WITHOUT A DROP OF STEROIDS. Evinrude/Johnson XD50™ is a synthetic blend oil that delivers dependable performance under heavy-use conditions. XD50 meets the specific demands of direct injection outboards and water-cooled 2-cycle outboard engines. XD50 – more reliable, less maintenance.

  • Reduces smoke for cleaner operation
  • Protects against wear with superior lubricity
  • Contains CarbX™ Combustion Cleaner

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Motor Oil Facts, Not Friction

High Performance Evinrude E-Tec Outboard Motor Using Evinrude XD 50

Evinrude XD 50 Continues to Lead the Industry in Cost-effective Innovation

NEW YORK, Feb 05, 2008 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ — MS — There are meaningful differences in motor oils and choosing the right one can have a major impact on how well your car runs. Selecting the right oil is the quickest and cheapest way to improve your car’s performance and reliability.

Base oils

The two primary types of base oils used are mineral and synthetic. Mineral oils are by-products of refined crude oil. Refining helps reduce the impurities but leaves molecules of all shapes and sizes. Synthetic oils are manmade compounds where molecules are all the same size and shape; consequently, synthetic oil has less friction and performs significantly better than mineral oils.


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