Less Yamalube 2W is Necessary During the Fall

domo online blog 3 10-13-14Now that it is fall, it is a strange feeling not going out on the lake every single weekend. Since the weather is getting a lot colder, it isn’t as logical for me to take out my smaller fishing boats when the weather is bad. I barely get any use out of my WaveRunner since it is way too cold to want to feel the spray from the water and the breeze ripping all around you.

It feels odd not to be constantly thinking about when I am going to need to buy the next batch of Yamalube 2W to ensure that the WaveRunner is able to function perfectly. I know that I still get to take my boat out sometimes and that the weather is good enough on a few weekends to go out, but for the most part I’m staying home. It isn’t warm enough for WaveRunners anymore.

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