Boating Forever with Yamalube 2M

32228_pEver since I was a child, I’ve loved spending time on the water. My parents had a boat and I was constantly begging my dad to take me out fishing or just for a spin. I learned how to drive a boat early on, just so I’d be able to go out on my own boating expeditions earlier. As soon as I could afford it in my adulthood, I bought my own boat; I cared more about than having a car.

If it was convenient, I would probably live on a houseboat, honestly. It’s something that I’ve always considered doing, but there aren’t really any areas nearby where it’d be particularly convenient and I’ve got too much stuff. Until the day that I decide to switch over to a houseboat, I’ll be fine with my current boat, as long as I stay stocked up on Yamalube 2M.

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