Performing Pre-operational Checks

evinrude-oilIf you’re anything like me, your outboard-powered boat is your true pride and joy; it’s your portal to a quiet, early morning fishing session or to an adventure in uncharted waters. Since I don’t have much spare cash to spend on costly repairs and replacement parts, I make sure to put in the routine maintenance work when it really matters. If you take a few minutes to perform some checks before leaving the dock, you’ll thank yourself later.

Begin by systematically checking the fuel system. For starters, top off your gas tank and check the fuel lines for leaks. You’ll also need to poke around among the line connections to ensure they’re good and tight. Next, shift your attention to the oil level. Replenish your supply of Evinrude oil in the fuel tank. Yesterday we discussed the benefits and detriments of trimming your outboard; start with it in vertical position so it’s not tilted back or forward.

Last but not least, test out the steering controls. If you notice any sticking or looseness as you turn the wheel, it might be cause for concern. Likewise, the throttle and shifter should move with only slight resistance. Seek mechanical assistance if they catch or feel too mushy. Now that you’ve done the work, it’s time to have some fun out on the water.

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