Trying Out Mercury 2 Stroke Premium Plus Outboard Motor Oil

9724g95_20I’ve always been wary about anything that refers to itself as ‘premium’. I am often quite skeptical of how certain products are advertised, so I’m constantly doing research and reading  Consumer Reports magazines and websites online.  This helps me make better decisions on purchases.

That’s why I was so surprised when I was guided towards picking up some Mercury 2 stroke Premium Plus  outboard motor oil for my boat. It turned out that when they said ‘premium’ in the title of the oil, they really meant it. My boat has been running fantastically ever since I started using it and I’m certain that I won’t be going back.

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Modern Pirates With Mercury Engine Oil

03somalia.xlarge1I think that if you were a classic-styled pirate in this day and age, you’d have to run things quite a bit differently than back in the old days. For one, I’m not sure how much buried treasure is actually out there anymore. Another problem is that the seas are probably policed a lot better than they were in the heyday of pirates.

You would definitely have to adjust the kinds of ships and boats that you traveled around in. Maybe you would still have a giant ship that used sails and everything, but maybe you’d also have smaller motorized boats for the purposes of speed. And if that were the case, you’d also need some Mercury engine oil to keep your boats properly maintained.

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Mercury 2 Cycle Oil In A New Boat

boat2When my son was young, I used to take him out on a rusty old boat that my father had passed down to me and we would go fishing in the river behind our house. We usually didn’t catch a whole lot, but it was a nice way to teach my son to be a sportsman and for us to bond together over a fun activity, one he would remember all of his life.

Now that he’s a full-grown man, it’s clear that our experiences boating together have influenced his hobbies as an adult. He’s got his own boat now and it’s a boat that’s much nicer than the rusty old one I used to take him out on. For his birthday, I got him some Mercury 2 cycle oil, so that he’ll be able to take care of that brand new boat.

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My Preference Of Mercury 2 Stroke Oil

7-31-11__2_04212012_073002I’m the type of person who sticks to a brand once it has done me right. For instance, I’ve been using Apple phones for years with no likelihood of me ever buying something different and I’ve only eaten Eggo waffles for my entire life. Brand loyalty is something that I think is fairly important when it comes to choosing products.

That being said, my choice in boat oil has always come from Mercury products, for as long as I’ve had watercraft and boats. I’m particularly fond of the Mercury 2 stroke oil right now, as that’s currently what I’ve been using on my boat. So far, Mercury oil products have done nothing but good for me, so I have every intention in continuing to use them on my boats and watercraft.

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Emergency Mercury Oil

valor4My father always told me to expect the unexpected. I didn’t really consider his advice because I thought it was just a phrase he used a lot. I never really thought of the meaning of those words until my outboard engine broke down during a recent fishing trip. Had I heeded my father’s words, I would have been prepared when my engine broke down. Instead, my friend and I had to wait for somebody to tow us back to the marina.

These days, I keep an emergency kit on my boat at all times. I don’t want to be stranded for an hour or more again so I keep some Mercury Oil, a gallon of gas, and emergency rations in my kit. I try to expect the unexpected so I won’t be caught off guard again. I also keep a first aid kit in my boat and in my car. Whenever I go somewhere, I try to imagine the worst possible situation that could happen and I prepare for it. I hope my son will take what I say seriously when I try to impart some knowledge on him like how my dad tried to do the same with me.

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Mercury Outboard Oil And Other Things On My Day Off

mercury-150-4-stroke-1Every now and then I need a day to myself to relax and catch up with everything that I’ve neglected to do because I was trapped in my everyday routine. My weekends are usually flooded with family activities and household chores so sometimes that makes me busier than I am during the weekdays. I need a day off from everything to get my tasks accomplished.

Last week, I called out of work because I really needed a day to myself to do the things I wanted to do. I started the morning off by sleeping in until about 10am. After that, I cooked myself a breakfast burrito and watched ESPN until noon. I needed to pick up some Mercury outboard oil from the store so I did that after I took a shower. I always enjoy going to the store during the hours when people are out working. There are always less people. I also caught up on some television shows that have been on my DVR for the past month. I also played a pick-up game of basketball at the park. I haven’t played in a couple of months and I was rusty.  I missed the majority of my shots and got really winded early in the game. All in all, it wasn’t a bad day off. It’s too bad these days are few and far between.

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Smokey Engine

604066900_8b06be5115_oI like to say that I am a loyal individual.  I’ve been with my wife for over twenty years,  I’ve supported my teams for my entire life it seems like, and I only use one brand of underwear.  My parents are the same way which explains why I am also.  They taught me that if something or someone never does me wrong, then it’s safe to stick with it until you need to do otherwise.

I’ve had my boat for the better part of ten years.  I like to take it out fishing on the weekends and enjoy some quiet time with myself or with some friends and family.  I’ve been using once specific brand of oil on my outboard engine and it hasn’t given me a problem until recently.  My engine has been more smoky than usual lately.  A friend of my suggested that I try some Mercury 2 Cycle Oil and see if it does anything different.  The result was the same so I guess it’s time to take the engine to a mechanic to see what is wrong with it.

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Useful Friends

P1010532I like asking my friend for advice about most things because he’s a self-proclaimed “know-it-all.”  He’s an expert on home repair, he knows who was the last player to hit fifty homeruns, and he knows which brand of television has the best to offer.  He saves me a lot of time and research that I don’t want to do.  He can be a bit annoying some times but he does come in handy most times.

We went out on my boat this weekend to do some fishing.  He noticed that my outboard engine was making some weird noises.  He suggested that I change my Mercury 2 stroke premium outboard motor oil.  It’s a good thing he reminded me because it’s been a few months since I did that.  He then proceeded to tell me which bait was best to use to catch fish and the proper way to reel in a big catch as if it was my first time fishing.  It’s a good thing his positives outweigh his negatives otherwise I would have stopped being friends with him a long time ago.

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Online Shopping

226811-online-shoppingMy wife recently sent me an email with some links to some online deals she found on a kind of necklace she wanted.  I’m the first to admit that I know very little about jewelry.  I don’t know how many carats a good diamond should be but what I do know is that it is expensive.  I was shocked to see how low the price was she showed me.

This got me motivated to shop for a better deal online for things I usually buy.  I found a coupon for a gallon of mercury premium plus and I was ecstatic.  I spent the entire afternoon looking for other discounts online and vowed never to pay full price for anything again.

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Saving Space in the Garage

I have pretty limited space in my garage; there’s a ton of junk in the garage that my wife and I haven’t bothered going through since we moved to this house years ago, and it seems like it’d be a huge hassle going through all of it. We’re just able enough to get both of our cars in the garage, so it hasn’t been a huge problem yet.

Because of this, we like to find ways to save space when we plan on storing things in our garage. For instance, when it comes to oil for the boat that we have (which we keep in a special storage facility since there’s no room in the garage), having a Mercury oil 55 gallon drum actually saves space, compared to how much space that amount would take on if it were being stored in separate bottles.

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Holiday Shopping

My wife and I like to make time each year during the holiday season to go shopping together at the local town centre. We have opposing work schedules during the week so we often don’t get to spend much time together apart from the weekends, but we always do the holiday shopping together.

We went in and out of all the different stores in the town centre, trying to find the right gifts for our friends and family members. We were able to find a great variety of gifts that we would be able to give them. While we were out, I had wanted to pick up some Mercury oil for my boat, but for some reason, I couldn’t find any stores that sold it.

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Shopping Online

I like to surf on the Internet to find the best deals on the things that I need. My wife’s more of the type of person that likes to physically go out to the stores, but honestly, when I’m home after a long day at work, the last thing I want to do is get in my car and drive to a store and drive home to get something, not when we’ve got the wonders of the Internet at hand.

I realize that I’m spoiled by technology here, but I figure, we’ve got it, so why not be spoiled by it? Most recently, I was doing some shopping online to get some things for a boat trip that I was planning. I found a website online that had a pretty good deal on Mercury oil so I snatched some of that up.

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