Buying Bulk Outboard Motor Oil Saves You Money

domo-online blog 5 11-17-14I was never one to buy anything in bulk. If I needed a pair of socks, I bought a pair of socks. If I needed toilet paper, I bought only what I needed. I didn’t mind trips to the store, and I didn’t like to spend more money than I had to at any given time. That was until my girlfriend turned me on to the advantages of buying in bulk.

My girlfriend is the type of woman who shops exclusively at Costco. One day, after I complained about a grocery bill, she sat me down and showed me the amount of money we were actually saving buying in bulk. I wondered if I could save money buying bulk outboard motor oil for my boat as well. Sure enough, I did end up saving a bundle and even split the cost with a friend. Now I’m truly a bargain shopper!

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